We aim to give a platform for anthropologically focused fieldwork which engages reflexively with our world.
This rich ethnography unpacks the profound link between the folk music revival and queerness, with a specific look at their intersecting capacity to develop a reflexive tradition and craft radical temporalities
Major auction houses located in London's West End promote themselves as "open to all". However, in my extensive fieldwork in the auction houses, I discovered how the presence of ambivalent boundaries works to exclude undesirable visitors and create value in the contemporary art world.
Being black at the LSE is filled up with daily experiences of systemic racism and ambivalence. However, there are ways to cope with this and to find community in a place where feeling part of the university community can be very difficult. Looking at the black male experience in team sports, Oliver sheds light on its nuances and its intersections with gender, class and ethnicity.
An article by Jingye Tang, based on his fieldwork in a workplace in China
I reflected for the first time on discourses of ‘memory’, ‘recognition’, and ‘personhood’, gradually becoming aware that the correlation between these was in fact artificially constructed and cannot be taken for granted. It was also through close encounters with elderly people with dementia that I saw their vivid but little-known vitality as well as their deep bonds with London and their loved ones.
An article by Carli Jacobsen, based on her work in a vineyard in central Italy
An article by Ishani Milward-Bose, based on visits to a small town in rural India
An article by Juliette Gautron, based on her fieldwork in northern Colombia
An article by Karen Lee, based on her fieldwork in Indonesia
An article by Juliette Gautron, based on her fieldwork in Chinese longboarding communities
An article by Mia Mancini based on her fieldwork in Berlin
An article by Zsofia Kunvari on the Krishna Valley in Hungary based on a visit in 2018.
Beyond Relativism: Why should we care about human rights in today’s world?
“The nation-state creates its own borders and defines its identity by who it excludes”. An anthropological perspective on the refugee crisis.
Marco Rossi’s article sheds light on the relationship between folklore and resistance in China.
Eric Leung is introducing us to the complexities of the Chinese language and the effects that they have on the wider formation of society.
Abracadabra! A study about the social functions of witchcraft among the Azande of South Sudan and the evil eye in Greece.
An ethnographic exploration of a Charity Shop in Camden which puts sustainability in conversation with ideas of necessity, reciprocity, and community.